Friday, February 9, 2007

to be relevant...

everyone wants to be relevant ultimately. nobody wants to be rejected. then the question of how to be relevant comes. to be excellent in what one does is the simple answer. put one hundred per cent into the present moment. but how much one can do it? that depends on the emotional domain one is in on a daily basis. everyone has a basic nature. one can not go beyond that. then there is these acquired habit patterns along the way. style of dealing with stress, solving problems, pushing the limits, taking risks and such...

there is acceptance among the inner group (of close buddies) which usually is a slow and steady build up and then there is the recognition by the society (media, fame and such). again the ultimate goal is to be relevant. here the driving force depends also on one's conviction about the work one does; how strong is the belief in it. how serious one is about pursuing something. when totally involved in image making, one eventually forgets this ultimate goal of trying 'to be relevant'. end result is not in the immediate picture. any work can be like this. when one becomes masterful, eventually the action becomes effortless and the process itself brings relevance to the moment.

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