Friday, February 9, 2007

time and stillness

drip. drip. time drips from the needle of the clock. seconds drip away into eternity. time is a mystery. when one thinks that past and future are loose ends of a long string, and tries to tie them together, the present blinks away. tomorrow merges with yesterday. today can be divided into many 'now's. a 'now' emerges from a 'pre-now' and moves into a 'post-now'. i see my hands typing this. i am here. now. my body is here. i feel the chair i am sitting on. i feel the breath i just took. i am thinking what to type and what not to. the window in front of me in this monochromatic winter has a stillness and silence about it. the window of the previous moment slides away into thin air. next window glides in. that too passes away. the house twitches now and then. subtle noises of the wooden structure break the silence occasionally. everything is changing into something else. moment by moment. all is alive. the closed book in front of me has a stillness about it. but the moment you open it the stillness is gone. I can read the pages. words are alive. i can feel the silence of this table. silent stillness between these apples on it. still life paintings try to show this. silent stillness of this moment. stillness between two thoughts. this is the now. it is here.

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