the planet is warming up. there is a war going on. people hate each other. children are dying. left hand is getting chopped by ourown right hand. everything is doomed. life is going to be over soon. we are using modern science in the wrong way. we are destroying the planet. who is going to turn all these around? where is the savior? don’t we have to do something right now?
this had happened before too. what about the world wars one and two? how about the plague that killed millions? many other atrocities in history had killed a lot of people. what happened to dinosaurs? don’t we have better medicines now? we are knowing about all these in real-time all over the world. that is why it is disturbing. do not pay attention to media news. out of sight, out of mind. see? it is not there anymore.
god does all these. just trust him. but believe only in my god. he is the real one. other’s god is fake. they are lost in darkness. i need to tell them this and make them bring back to my god by using all my powers. this is my duty. i am the messenger and the warrior of god.
eat, drink and be merry. for tomorrow we may die. everyone is lying. only truth is sensual pleasures. enjoy when you can. do whatever makes you happy. who cares about the consequences? all will die anyway.
nothing is happening as such. everything is a dance of molecules. everything changes into something else. energy is changing into matter. or matter and energy are the same in time. space and time exists relatively. we humans are limited to our sensory perception. but there is the rest of the reality which we do not feel or know.
there are more frames of references and many various permutations of all of the above mentioned views...
if there is an absolute truth about life on this planet, it has to be beyond all points of views, which integrates, encompasses and transcends all these verbalizations.
“everything out there is wholesome and complete
everything in here is also wholesome and complete
the whole emerges out of the whole
if we take away the whole from the whole,
remaining will also will be wholesome and complete.”
photo collage: 'half empty-half full' ' ©2007.sebastian
1 comment:
Happened to bump into your blog while searching information of chinese landscape architecture:)
Good thinking and a good path! Our generation will have to grow a new conciousness of conciousness of the importance of human life end love. I feel the thinking expanding while they try to drown us to plastic inconiousness.
if you allready havent seen this I recommend you to wach the movie Zeitgeist :
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