this is a peepal tree i noticed on the way to mysore from kerala, india. even when there is no breeze, its beautiful leaves spin and attract your attention and invite you into the shade. and not only do the leaves send down currents of cool air, but their long slender tips are also constantly striking together to make a sound like the pattering of raindrops. best place to sit under and contemplate. no other tree has a leaf which tapers to such a perfect point as the peepal. when it rains, you can see the water drip from the points. water runs off more easily from a point than from a blunt end, and the sooner a leaf dries the better it is for the tree. to cut a peepal tree was once looked upon as a great sin in india. on the other hand, anyone who planted a peepal was said to receive the blessings of generations to come.
photo: india.sebastian©2007
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