Monday, March 19, 2012

Moving Mountain

Once a mountain got really bored with standing still for long periods of time. So he decided to move, closed his eyes and imagined that he was slowly moving sidewards. It was enjoyable for a while but the moment he opened his eyes it all went away. As his boredom grew he got obsessed with closing the eyes and imagining the moving. He then found another method by looking at the sky when the clouds were passing by. Thus he would have the illusionary feeling that he was slowly moving. Then he would also start looking around at the swaying trees and the flowing river to get the same feeling. He then expanded this practice by focusing on flying birds and shooting stars. Then he realized that he could move faster as the concentration and mindfulness got focused and more perfected. He was filled with the joy of moving life around him and always one with the movement that engulfed him. It was a dance for him then and by that time he had already become the dance.

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