One analogy came to my mind is that life is like a complex labyrinth placed in the middle of an arena. We enter the Colosseum, wander around, excited in the beginning to see the curious pathways and hidden openings. The surprises that await in the next turn keep us hooked.
By making choices, applying micro analysis, digging deep holes and new tunnels, selecting the best and competing to acquire more; we are toiling to move forward. During this process, we are making the labyrinth more complex. All the 'upgrades' and 'developments' through generations, have made it a complicated build up. Now the structure has already taken over the function, whatever it was supposed to be.
This Colosseum has five gates like five sense organs. The pathways of the maze are like brain foldings. One can get an areal view of the whole labyrinth up from the gallery steps. The more upward one climbs the less complex the maze will be, because one can see the structure vividly from up above.
During the frenzy of the rat-race, once in a while one gets the glimpses of the steps. But the call of the enchanted maze and the desire to get into it keep one trapped in the labyrinth. It's easy to walk up the steps and sit there to observe and enjoy the whole drama. Then the story seems less spicy, or there is no story to it at all.
We all are hooked to spices, I guess.
Labyrinth: (Classical Mythology) A vast maze built in Crete by Daedalus, at the command of King Minos, to house the Minotaur.
graphic collage: 'mind bend'/ watercolour/ sebastian©2009
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