Saturday, August 22, 2009
m o r n i n g . m a g i c
Thursday, August 20, 2009
n o i s e . c a n c e l i n g

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
l a b y r i n t h

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
i n t o . s o m e t h i n g

“at first I was not into it, now when I look at it again, it grows on me, now I am liking it. I love it”
“Great! but why?” “I can not figure out exactly why, right now”, she said.
I was left with my own devices for the whole evening.
It is difficult to look at my own work as someone else's. The final product is not what I see. I have vivid memories of the whole process. So the moment I see the completed work, everything I had gone through flashes in my mind and I can not separate myself from it. It may be possible after a long period of time; years may be. But the 'into something' factor is very important. This is the moment I hit that particular 'note'. That is the base 'note' for my next composition. It is not a high note or a lower one. Hitting a unique note happens when a 'letting go' moment comes, after a long period of hard work. The structured period brings something fluid and dynamic later. So let me hold on to this into something for now.
The rules in art are created by us and that freedom makes it risky. Convictions are formed when concepts start materializing right in front of us. If we do not say no to art, that means yes. I think when one do not have anything else to trust or to depend on, the total commitment comes naturally; no choice there. If I say I am an artist; then I am, and I start feeling like one. The work proves it along the way. Anything we value determines our life. I think and feel art. That's it.
"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."
(Albert Camus)
photo: 'the rock' /irving texas /2009©sebastian
Thursday, August 13, 2009
t h i n . a i r

I am sitting in this park bench.
It feels like I am melting into thin air.
Am I here now, or am I vanishing slowly?
Let me pinch my arm or punch myself hard
Let me yell and scream at the top of my lungs
and kick my left leg with the right one,
to know my real placement in this space.
I pass through the space silently
even when I am sitting in this park bench.
And the space is passing through me, each moment
even though I am a part of everything around me.
The path in front is grounding the space above it
and the particles in the beams of sun glitter like memories.
I move forward like a dolphin in the ocean or a bird in the clouds.
My left and right are co-ordinated in a perfect space-balance
and the floor below and axis above my head place me right here.
I am supposed to be here, this moment; otherwise I would not be.
If I expand and dissolve; with a "poof!",
It won't make any noise at all, may be a subtle swish!
No proof of me being here would be remaining afterwards.
No vacuum would be felt and no memory would be left.
Not even the traces of my dreams would be in the air!
Is this a choice? why am I anxious?
Am I to forgive myself and let me go?
If I do it, will I be able to return intact,
and will all be fine afterwards?
When all things are considered,
I still strongly suggest to myself,
better to surrender now than later.
photo: 'park bench' / irving texas /sebastian©2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
f a r . a n d . n e a r

The boy grew up hearing it every day, this magical sound
coming from the mountains up above his home in the valley.
It was more audible and sweet during the day breaks.
Though feeble and subtle, it always gave him some hope.
Every morning he would wait in bed to listen for it.
He grew up thinking it as a graceful thing in his life.
When he became a young man, one morning he decided
to climb the mountain, the source of this celestial euphony.
It took a long time and hard work for him to reach at the peak
and the sound became louder as he was approaching the top.
Then he saw there were these two trees rubbing each other!
When came closer the screeching sound was unbearable!
*The seed of this story came from an old Iranian friend.
Photo: 'way to Kanyakumari' /India /sebastian©2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
h u m

It was a bright west coast evening.
I was having dinner with a friend
in the garden of a Mexican restaurant.
There was a cute humming bird around.
The humming bird looked like she was standing in the air
as her wings were almost invisible with the speed...
I could almost hear the humming of the bird's wings.
Yes, there was a whisper of a hum there, for sure.
When do the humans hum usually?
The person who is bored hum sometimes.
It can also happen in a relaxed setting.
Humming might be a sign of being in
an uncomfortable situation in which,
out of nervousness, a person starts humming.
There are spiritual humming and mourning ones
and there are enchanting ones those of
a mother easing a child gently into slumber.
photo: 'humming bird' / Malibu/ sebastian©2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
g o t . l u c k y !

The reflections of dancing lights in the canal
The abstract movements of colorful highlights
The molecules of water are enjoying the dance
As the lights are also encouraging the reflections
The wavy sway of tall grass in the distant prairie,
The wild flowers bloom with an orgasmic shudder
both the sides of highways, the Blue Bonnets of Texas pride
as the last of bees on their way to extinction have got lucky!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
t i m e . c r u n c h!

When we are young, our aspiration about an exciting future is the strong driving force. Too many places to go, people to meet, too many things to do. There are too many choices in front. It takes a big chunk of our lives to find out what we are really good at, if at all we find that 'call' in life. Then we need more time to master the skills to do it perfect. This 'time crunch' humans face is very real for us, even when there are other ways of looking at the concept of 'time' in our life. It shows that the 'feeling' of life is more true and real than analyzing its various aspects. Analysis has a delay in real time where as feeling happens in the now.
"Time does not exist as we know it,
photocollage: 'young faces' /students of a high school in Arizona /2007©sebastian
Saturday, August 8, 2009
w e t . p a t h
Thursday, August 6, 2009
p o i n t e r

Mister 'analyst' the senior was walking with an apprentice
and the young chap pointed at the full moon like a zen master.
The senior turned his face the other way and said,
"Full moon is good for the rich and the romantic.
I stopped even noticing her long time ago!"
photo-graphic: 'waterblues' / pacific /sebastian©2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
t w o . s i d e s

Two types of people are there.
One that is strongly identified with the perception of this world through five sense organs. They don't have any doubts about the material reality of this existence as they feel it and as they know it. They do not believe in it unless it is proven by perception of hearing, tasting, smelling, seeing and touching. Sensory pleasures are the only source of happiness for them. When the sense organs are dissolved completely at death, that is it; they are not ready to accept anything more than that.
The second group is those who happened to have gone to the edges of this realm of perception. They have already peeped into the mystery of the unknown. Whether it was blissful or not, they have felt it and that is the reason they believe in it. They have crossed a threshold. A near death experience or a similar intense one changed their lives for good, or early on they had that ability to look beyond. If it was a passing fancy or curious case of sensations, it would not have changed them. Some profound process has already started within them. It can be felt in their presence.
The ones from the first group may move into the second at times, but ones from the second group moving back to the first seem almost impossible. If anyone is in a predicament of moving between the two, either they would squander their lives or they would become masters who skillfully able to integrate the two groups.
photo-graphics: 'lake texoma' /aug.3 /sebastian©2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
y o u . a n d . m e

Sunday, August 2, 2009
S t o r y b o a r d

Saturday, August 1, 2009
t h e . c a v e