Thursday, November 26, 2009

It in that

I just saw it,
then it went away from that, in an instance.
Now this is just as mundane as before.
What happened?

Then again it came back before I know it.
Now it is still there.
I really don't want to lose it.
But I realize I can not insist.
I can not demand, can I?
May be it was there before.
I could not see it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

t h e . w h e e l

My perception is recreating my reality
moment by moment by moment.
I am reborn every split second.
This is the real reincarnation.

Thus life is an ongoing process
So does our mind or 'minding'.
Death is not the end of life.
It is just the end of this particular,
unique set of perception called 'me'
which is also changing always.

Am I feeling this 'theoretical eternity' at all?
Is this information helping to reduce my pain ?
Is this knowledge helping me to get rid of my suffering?
If it is not experiential on a daily basis,
what is the point of knowing this?

In the middle of all the life's chaos and craziness,
I should be able to let go of everything and be free,
stay still and calm like the midpoint of a spinning wheel.