Friday, July 31, 2009
o c e a n . f l o o r

Monday, July 27, 2009
w a r m . s k i n

Saturday, July 25, 2009
S e e i n g . B e l i e v i n g

The mountain stands against the sky.
If the sky vanishes, so does the mountain.
The boat is just there in the silent lake.
If the lake goes, so does the boat.
The scene is determined by the eye
as the perspective is decided by
the perception of the 'eye-mind'.
An eagle can spot a fish far down
from way up above the sky
for that is what she wants to see.
Seeing is believed to be real
as the unseen is yet to be seen.
The unfelt is considered unreal,
and the unheard is not there for sure.
The unknown is a source of fear
as long as the known is secure enough.
If the confinement is comfortable
why bother flying into an open sky?
The presence of invisible is felt at times
when we realize our sense perception alone
can not substantiate the absence of it.
The sound of a falling tree in an un-maned forest
is echoed by the sound of one hand clapping.
Both may be heard clearer or felt nearer
by an ancient tree or an old monk, the rock.
Or are they totally unaware of it?
Then again,
is the forest itself just a thought?
photo: 'waterfront-2' / texas /summer2009©sebastian
Friday, July 24, 2009
u n d i s c l o s e d . l o c a t i o n

A person retreats into an undisclosed location
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
r e m e m b r a n c e

Somewhere in this planet now,
a new born is taking its first breath;
and an old one is exhaling for the last time.
In between these two breaths,
In between one's birth and death,
all the good, the bad and the ugly things happen.
We realize later the bad things were not that ‘bad’ after all,
and so called ‘good things’ were somewhat exaggerated.
We try to remember only the good times,
and wish to cherish them all to feel fine.
But we end up never forgetting the bad ones,
as they had left deeper scars than the good ones.
One writes a nice and long memoir
and strives to leave a good ‘legacy’,
knowing that they all fade away later.
Epic memories of even the greatest of heros
last only for certain generations.
The teachings of masters get corrupted
after years of wrong interpretations.
Some precious scriptures are lost for ever.
Even the survived ones last only some centuries.
For the planet, these are routine drills,
and she spins on with a melancholic smile.
If we listen gently, we can hear in silence,
the feeble sounds of her spin with a grin.
photo: 'waterfront' / texas /summer2009©sebastian
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
t h r e e . p i e c e . l u g g a g e

Monday, July 20, 2009
e t e r n a l . g l o r y
Sunday, July 19, 2009
s u c c e s s

o w n e r s h i p